

typedef uint64_t CeptonSensorHandle

Sensor identifier.

Generated from sensor IP address.

typedef uint16_t CeptonSensorModel

Sensor model.

enum _CeptonSensorModel


enumerator HR80W
enumerator HR80T_R2
enumerator VISTA_860_GEN2
enumerator VISTA_X120
enumerator SORA_P60
enumerator VISTA_P60
enumerator VISTA_X15
enumerator VISTA_P90
enumerator SORA_P90
enumerator VISTA_P61
enumerator SORA_P61
enumerator VISTA_T30
struct CeptonSensorInformation

Sensor information struct.

Returned by cepton_sdk_get_sensor_information*.

Public Members

CeptonSensorHandle handle

Sensor identifier (generated from IP address).

uint64_t serial_number

Sensor serial number.

char model_name[28]

Full sensor model name.

CeptonSensorModel model

Sensor model.

uint16_t reserved
char firmware_version[28]

Firmware version string.

uint8_t major

Major firmware version.

uint8_t minor

Minor firmware version.

uint8_t build
uint8_t unused
struct CeptonSensorInformation::[anonymous] formal_firmware_version

Firmware version struct.

float last_reported_temperature


float last_reported_humidity


float last_reported_age


float measurement_period

Time between measurements [seconds].

int64_t ptp_ts

PTP time [microseconds].

uint8_t gps_ts_year

(0-99) (e.g. 2017 -> 17)

uint8_t gps_ts_month


uint8_t gps_ts_day


uint8_t gps_ts_hour


uint8_t gps_ts_min


uint8_t gps_ts_sec


uint8_t return_count

Number of returns per measurement.

uint8_t segment_count

Number of image segments.

uint32_t flags

Bit flags.

uint32_t is_mocked

Created by capture replay.

uint32_t is_pps_connected

GPS PPS is available.

uint32_t is_nmea_connected

GPS NMEA is available.

uint32_t is_ptp_connected

PTP is available.

uint32_t is_calibrated

Calibration loaded.

uint32_t is_over_heated

Hit temperature limit.

uint32_t is_sync_firing_enabled

Sync fire enabled (disabled by default).

union CeptonSensorInformation::[anonymous] [anonymous]


int cepton_is_sora(CeptonSensorModel model)

Returns whether sensor model is of the form SORA_*.

int cepton_is_hr80(CeptonSensorModel model)

Returns whether sensor model is of the form HR80_*.

int cepton_is_vista(CeptonSensorModel model)

Returns whether sensor model is of the form VISTA_*.

size_t cepton_sdk_get_n_sensors(void)

Get number of sensors attached. Use to check for new sensors. Sensors are not deleted until deinitialization.

CeptonSensorErrorCode cepton_sdk_get_sensor_handle_by_serial_number(uint64_t serial_number, CeptonSensorHandle *const handle)

Looks up sensor handle by serial number.

Returns error if sensor not found.

  • serial_number: Sensor serial number.

  • handle: Sensor handle.

CeptonSensorErrorCode cepton_sdk_get_sensor_information_by_index(size_t idx, struct CeptonSensorInformation *const info)

Returns sensor information by sensor index.

Useful for getting information for all sensors. Valid indices are in range [0, cepton_sdk_get_n_sensors()).

Returns error if index invalid.

  • idx: Sensor index. Returns error if invalid.

  • info: Sensor information.

CeptonSensorErrorCode cepton_sdk_get_sensor_information(CeptonSensorHandle handle, struct CeptonSensorInformation *const info)

Returns sensor information by sensor handle.

  • handle: Sensor handle. Returns error if invalid.

  • info: Sensor information.