
High level C++ API for prototyping (cepton_sdk.hpp, cepton_sdk_api.hpp). Methods are agnostic to live/replay mode.

bool cepton_sdk::api::is_live()

Returns whether capture replay is not open.

bool cepton_sdk::api::is_end()

Returns whether capture replay is at the end and enable loop is false.

int64_t cepton_sdk::api::get_time()

Returns live or capture replay time.

SensorError cepton_sdk::api::wait(float t_length = -1.0f)

Sleeps or resumes capture replay for duration.

If t_length < 0, then waits forever.



Add context to error.


If error, raise.


If error, print.


If error, return.


SensorError cepton_sdk::api::initialize(Options options = create_options(), const std::string &capture_path = "", bool enable_wait = false)

Initialize SDK and optionally starts capture replay.

If enable_wait is true, waits a few seconds to initialize sensors.

SensorError cepton_sdk::api::open_replay(const std::string &capture_path, bool enable_wait = false)

Opens capture replay.

If enable_wait is true, replays a few seconds to intialize sensors.

bool cepton_sdk::api::has_control_flags(Control mask)

Returns whether indicated control flags are set.

SensorError cepton_sdk::api::enable_control_flags(Control mask, bool tf)

Enables/disables indicated control flags.

class cepton_sdk::api::SensorErrorCallback : public cepton_sdk::util::Callback<SensorHandle, const SensorError&>

Callback for sensor errors.

Public Static Functions

void global_on_callback(SensorHandle handle, SensorErrorCode error_code, const char *error_msg, const void *const error_data, size_t error_data_size, void *const instance)
class cepton_sdk::api::SensorImageFrameCallback : public cepton_sdk::util::Callback<SensorHandle, std::size_t, const SensorImagePoint*>

Callback for image frames.

Must call initialize before use.

Public Functions


SensorImageFrameCallback class destructor.

SensorError initialize()

Initializes SensorImageFrameCallback object.

SensorError deinitialize()

Deinitializes SensorImageFrameCallback object.

bool is_initialized() const

Returns true if SensorImageFrameCallback is initialized.


bool cepton_sdk::api::has_sensor_by_serial_number(uint64_t serial_number)

Returns whether SDK has sensor with serial number.

SensorError cepton_sdk::api::get_sensor_information_by_serial_number(uint64_t serial_number, SensorInformation &info)

Returns sensor information by serial number.

Returns error if sensor not found.

std::vector<uint64_t> cepton_sdk::api::get_sensor_serial_numbers()

Returns serial numbers for all sensors.